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4 min read

Useful Tips for the Camper!

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5 Ways to Make the Most out of Fall Camping
  1. Take advantage of the beautiful fall colors to go for a walk in the forest and capture beautiful landscapes filled with color.
  2. End of the high season = quiet time at the campground! Take advantage of the serenity of the place to recharge your batteries after the school year.
  3. Enjoy the company of your best camping neighbors: prepare a get-together brunch!
  4. Many dishes are cooked directly over the coals and are very easy to prepare. A lot of fun around a fire to prepare the embers and then we feast!
  5. Bundled up around a fire, the cooler evenings of October will be conducive to delicious hot beverages. Why not treat yourself?

But fall also means preparing your trailer for winter. Here are some essential steps to winterize your RV and leave the campground with peace of mind.

A Good Cleanup 
  • Remove all traces of food from your RV that could attract unwanted visitors.
  • Clean the refrigerator and freezer with water and vinegar, then air it out.
  • Remove anything that might attract moisture (bedding, towels, carpeting, clothing, etc.) because moisture means mold and mildew is your RV's worst enemy.
  • If you have trap door protectors for your Maxair type ventilation system, leave them open to allow air to circulate and thus expel humidity.
  • To prevent rodents from taking over your "seasonal residence" during the winter, place mothballs or fabric softener sheets throughout the RV.
  • Remove batteries from smoke detectors and take fire extinguisher and valuables with you. 
  • Turn off the extensions and propane, and remove the battery.  Next, seal the exterior hatches (refrigerator vent and heat vent) to prevent wasps from nesting there.    
  • Finally, all you have to do is drain the pipes, empty your tanks and fill your pipes with antifreeze.  You have two choices: either you do it yourself or, like me, you take advantage of the services of a professional for a better quality guarantee.

Once your RV is winterized, you can hibernate for the cold season. So make the most of the last of this last camping season and we look forward to seeing you on the grounds!