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Labour & Employment Law
4 min read

Labour and Employment Law: Your Reputation as an Employer

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Allow our experienced legal team to take charge of your problematic or contentious files, whether in matters of occupational health and safety or labour relations. Together with you, they will establish an effective and efficient strategy to limit the financial consequences of claims and disputes. 

Contractual Drafting and Interpretation 
  • Employment contracts 
  • Releases 
  • Agreements and Transactions (TAT files) 
Legal Opinions 
  • Questions relating to the application of the various labour laws (LNT, LATMP, LSST, labour code) 
  • Guiding disciplinary decision making 
  • End-of-employment support 
  • Support in applying policies to prevent and respond to harassment in the workplace 
Representation Before the Administrative Labour Tribunal (Labour Relations Division) 

Support during the mediation process and representation in court: 

  • Complaint regarding dismissal without just and sufficient cause 
  • Prohibited practice complaint 
  • Complaint for psychological and/or sexual harassment 
  • Monetary claim 
Representation Before the Administrative Labour Tribunal (Workplace Health and Safety Division) 

Support in the conciliation process and representation in court: 

  • Eligibility of a claim (industrial accidents, occupational diseases, relapses or aggravations) 
  • Disputes involving medical issues (diagnosis, date of consolidating of the injury, adequacy of care or treatment, impairment, functional disability) 
  • Financing: cost-sharing and transfer applications 
  • CNESST company classification: classification units and assessment notices 
Representation before the Criminal Division of the Court of Quebec 

Support in seeking settlement and representation in court:

  • Report of a violation of the Act respecting workplace health and safety 
  • Report of a violation of the Highway Safety Code, particularly with a view to maintaining an exemplary record of owner-operators of heavy vehicles (PEVL) 
  • Proactive management of occupational injuries 
  • The TAT – Conciliation and hearings: how to optimize your resources 
  • Cost allocation and transfer 
  • Workplace health and safety violations 

We invite you to contact us if you have any questions regarding Labour and Employment Law.