With credit cards having to be paid off after the big holiday rush, the beginning of the year is easily one of the most financial challenging periods. To save on costs, consider reviewing your insurance policies. You may be pleased to find out that you can save big without making that many changes to your coverage!
1. Combine your Policies
Often, in insurance, putting all your eggs in one basket can be beneficial. Most insurers offer discounts if you combine your home and car insurance under the same roof. Some may even provide you with additional coverage at no cost.
2. Groups and Associations
Let your broker know if you are a member of a professional group or association! Lussier partners with an extensive list of groups and associations in Quebec and designs exclusive protection programs at discounted rates!
3. Your Job and Employer
Did you know that certain job categories are eligible for discounts? The same is true for certain employers and for people at the retirement stage of life. It is therefore important to notify your insurance representative as soon as your job situation changes.
4. Your Education Level
Are you a college or university student? Do you have a university degree and are you working in your field of study? You could be eligible for discounts.
5. Your Car's Mileage
Have you declared more annual mileage than you actually drive? Many insurers determine premiums based on the number of kilometers declared. Average out what you actually drive and declare a number that represents your reality.
6. Increase your Deductibles
Would you make a claim if you had a loss of less than 1 000 $? If you answer no and your deductibles are below that amount, raise them: you could save big.